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New Jersey Christian Fellowship

New Jersey Christian Fellowship (NJCF) provides opportunities for students to go deeper in their faith journeys, to experience the love of Jesus, and to impact the campus. We are a chapter of the national organization InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and have vision to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.

Everyone posing outside as a group.


Athletes InterVarsity
Athletes Intervarsity is a community of athletes interested in growing and pursuing their faith at TCNJ. No spiritual background necessary, if you are an athlete and interested in learning how faith and athletics connect, please join us on Monday nights at 9pm.
Follow Us On Instagram @aiv_at_tcnj



Thursdays at 8:30 PM at the Spiritual Center

Encounter is our large group meeting where we gather as a chapter every week to encounter God and encounter one another through worship, speakers, fellowship, etc.

Life Groups

We offer approximately 20 Life Groups, which are smaller groups that meet weekly to study scripture and seek God, grow in their friendships with one another, and impact the community around them.


New Jersey Christian Fellowship (NJCF) is a chapter of InterVarsity USA, an interdenominational Christian fellowship on college campuses around the world. InterVarsity is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Bible as the word of God. Our purpose is to further the kingdom of God by way of fellowship, Bible study, discipleship, and evangelism. Student leadership is stressed and supported by ongoing training programs.
Involvement with a local church is strongly encouraged.
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Michelle Bunagan
NJCF Staff:
Rachel John (Email: – general undergrad ministry
Allison Stump (Email: – athletes ministry
Connect with us!
– Visit our website
– Contact us at
– Follow us on Instagram @njchristianfellowship and @aiv_at_tcnj